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Step-by-Step Install Guide for Wallos with Traefik on Docker Swarm

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This guide provides step-by-step instructions to set up Wallos, a self-hosted subscription management application, on a Docker Swarm cluster with Traefik as a reverse proxy. Wallos can be accessed locally or through Traefik on the internet. This setup ensures persistent data using GlusterFS and reliable networking with Keepalived.


Step 1: Update System Packages

Before proceeding, ensure all Raspberry Pis and Docker installations are up to date. Run the following commands on each node:

sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y docker-compose

Step 2: Create Directories for Wallos Data

If you're running Wallos on Docker Swarm with GlusterFS, create the following directories on the shared GlusterFS mount:

mkdir -p /mnt/glustermount/data/wallos_data/db
mkdir -p /mnt/glustermount/data/wallos_data/logos

Step 3: Create the Docker Compose File

Define the Wallos service using the following docker-compose.yml file. You can create this file manually or configure it through Portainer.

version: "3.7"

    container_name: wallos_subscription_tracker
    image: bellamy/wallos:latest
      - "8282:80"
      TZ: 'Europe/Zurich'
      - '/mnt/glustermount/data/wallos_data/db:/var/www/html/db'
      - '/mnt/glustermount/data/wallos_data/logos:/var/www/html/images/uploads/logos'
    restart: unless-stopped
      - management_net
      mode: replicated
      replicas: 1
        - "traefik.enable=true"
        - ""

    external: true
Explanation of Key Components:
  • Replicated Mode: Ensures Wallos is deployed with multiple instances for high availability if replicas > 1.
  • Traefik Labels: Enables Traefik routing and port mapping for this service. Modify the labels to match your domain and Traefik configuration.

Step 4: Deploy the Stack

Deploy the stack using Docker Swarm. Navigate to the directory containing the docker-compose.yml file and execute:

docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml wallos

You can also deploy your Stack in Portainer.

Step 5: Access Wallos

  • Access Wallos locally via http://IP_ADDRESS:8282.
  • If Traefik is configured, use with the websecure entry point OR
  • with the web entry point.


You could add a Local DNS Entry into PiHole to Access Wallos.

Additional Notes

  • Persistent Data: All Wallos data is stored in GlusterFS directories, ensuring availability across all Swarm nodes.
  • Traefik Configuration: Ensure Traefik is set up with SSL certificates for secure access.
  • Logs and Debugging: Monitor logs using docker logs wallos_subscription_tracker for troubleshooting.