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Enviroment Variables

Environment Variable Description Example Value
SLEEP_TIME Time interval between update checks (default: 5 minutes) 5m
IGNORELIST_SERVICES Space-separated list of services to ignore during updates shepherd my-other-service
FILTER_SERVICES Filter for specifying services to update (matches docker service ls filter) label=com.mydomain.autodeploy
ROLLBACK_ON_FAILURE Roll back a service to the previous version if an update fails true
UPDATE_OPTIONS Additional options for the docker service update command --update-delay=30s
TIMEOUT Timeout for the docker service update process (default: 5 minutes) 300
APPRISE_SIDECAR_URL URL for the Apprise sidecar service to enable update notifications apprise-microservice:5000
IMAGE_AUTOCLEAN_LIMIT Enable old image autocleaning on service update 5
RUN_ONCE_AND_EXIT Run Shepherd once and then exit true
WITH_REGISTRY_AUTH Enable private registry authentication true
REGISTRY_USER / REGISTRY_PASSWORD Credentials for private registry authentication user123 / secret_password
REGISTRIES_FILE Path to the secret file containing multiple registry authentication entries /var/run/secrets/shepherd-registries-auth
WITH_INSECURE_REGISTRY Enable connection to an insecure private registry true
WITH_NO_RESOLVE_IMAGE Prevent pulling images from the registry true
TZ Set the timezone for log entries Europe/Zurich