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Add 3rd Party Authentication (Google, Twitch etc.)


BookStack supports third-party authentication, allowing users to log in with services like Google, GitHub, Twitter, and others. By default, these services are disabled, but you can enable them by configuring the necessary credentials from each external service.

This guide will walk you through setting up third-party authentication, focusing on the most popular services: Google, GitHub, Twitter, Facebook, Slack, AzureAD, Okta, GitLab, Twitch, and Discord.



Step 1: Enable Automatic Registration (Optional)

If you want to auto-register users when they log in via a third-party service, add the following option to your .env file or to your docker-compose.yaml:


For example, if you're setting up Google authentication:


This will allow users to register through third-party login services even if general registration is disabled.