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Add OIDC-Integration for Linkwarden

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This page will show you how to add Linkwarden as a client (integration) for Authelia using OpenID Connect (OIDC). We’ll walk through configuring the clients section in Authelia’s configuration.yml, updating your access control rules, and finally setting up Linkwarden with the correct environment variables.

Step 1: 
Authelia Configuration for the New Client

In the OIDC setup guide, you’ve already configured the basic OIDC parameters (hmac_secret, jwks, etc.). Now, we need to add the clients block to your OIDC configuration to allow Linkwarden to authenticate via Authelia.

Open your Authelia configuration file:

nano /mnt/glustermount/data/authelia_data/config/configuration.yml

Within the identity_providers > oidc section, add or edit the clients block as follows:

    hmac_secret: 'this_is_a_secret_abc123abc123abc'
     -  key_id: 'F2H5xqbYsa3AssEZTU'
        algorithm: 'RS256'
        use: 'sig'
        key: {{ secret "/secrets/rsa_2048_private.txt" | mindent 10 "|" | msquote }}
      access_token: '1 hour'
      authorize_code: '1 minute'
      id_token: '1 hour'
      refresh_token: '90 minutes'
    enable_client_debug_messages: false
      - client_id: 'linkwarden'
        client_name: 'Linkwarden'
        client_secret: '$pbkdf2-sha512$310000$c8p78n7pUMln0jzvd4aK4Q$JNRBzwAo0ek5qKn50cFzzvE9RXV88h1wJn5KGiHrD0YKtZaR/nCb2CJPOsKaPK0hjf.9yHxzQGZziziccp6Yng' #insecure_secret
        public: false
        authorization_policy: 'two_factor'
          - ''
          - 'openid'
          - 'groups'
          - 'email'
          - 'profile'
        userinfo_signed_response_alg: 'none'
        token_endpoint_auth_method: 'client_secret_basic'

Step 1.1: client_id

This references the unique identifier for the client (RFC: RFC3986, Section 2.3). In this example, it’s set to linkwarden. You could instead use a random string to avoid collisions or for security best practices. Tools like it-tools token generator can be used to generate a random client ID.

Step 1.2: client_name

This is a human-readable name for your application. Here, we’re calling it Linkwarden. You can name it anything that will help you identify this application in the future.

Step 1.3: client_secret

This is the secret used by the client to authenticate to Authelia (RFC: RFC3986, Section 2.3). In the example above, we’re using a hashed secret labeled insecure_secret for testing.

You can generate a more secure secret by running:

docker exec -it authelia authelia crypto hash generate pbkdf2 --variant sha512 --random --random.length 72 --random.charset rfc3986

When using Docker-Swarm Change the Containername by adding your Stackname infront or using the ContainerID:

docker exec -it traefik_authelia authelia crypto hash generate pbkdf2 --variant sha512 --random --random.length 72 --random.charset rfc3986
docker exec -it 337adb14377e authelia crypto hash generate pbkdf2 --variant sha512 --random --random.length 72 --random.charset rfc3986

Example output:

Random Password: Xh.nVAMt3P5m~fUTBj4issbKc38Xx5E47nUN7YvTzSntJv0DK2_EKdURzZFYhhs4LE4oKf~c
Digest: $pbkdf2-sha512$310000$fK3lAD7WgJ147IBgnUdC9g$F1QMc0kpTwVIUNldTaAGG8uD0EoQRxham7nN8HUXHVhNNUh2ubPu/wgo.YxXYC5ewNL.j3WPqnFLCB/mwfWSgA

You’d then place the Digest portion into the client_secret field in Authelia and use the corresponding “Random Password” value (or the “insecure_secret” equivalent) in the Linkwarden environment variable.

Step 1.4: redirect_uris and authorization_policy

Make sure the redirect URI matches (or whichever endpoint Linkwarden expects). Adjust your authorization_policy (such as one_factor or two_factor) depending on your security needs.


Step 2: Add Domain to Authelia Access Control

Next, you’ll want to allow access for in your Authelia rules. Typically, this is done in the access_control section:

  default_policy: 'deny'
    - domain: ''
      policy: 'two_factor'
    - domain: ''
      policy: 'two_factor'

Replace or add another rule for the domain or subdomain where Linkwarden resides (

Step 3: Add OIDC Settings to Linkwarden

If using a Docker Compose setup, you can add the following environment variables in your docker-compose.yaml (or the equivalent setup in Portainer):

      # SSO - Authelia
      # SSO - Accounts

Important: Make sure DISABLE_NEW_SSO_USERS is set to false or new users will be blocked from logging in via SSO.

Environment Variables Table

Environment Variable Default Description
NEXT_PUBLIC_AUTHELIA_ENABLED - If set to true, Authelia will be enabled and you'll need to define the variables below.
AUTHELIA_WELLKNOWN_URL - https://{{}}/.well-known/openid-configuration
AUTHELIA_CLIENT_SECRET - Client Secret. (Random Password from command below)

AUTHELIA_WELLKNOWN_URL: This is an OIDC discovery URL that describes what Authelia supports (endpoints, claims, etc.)
AUTHELIA_CLIENT_ID (RFC RFC3986, Section 2.3): Again, best practice is a random unique string.
AUTHELIA_CLIENT_SECRET (RFC RFC3986, Section 2.3): Generated secret value (either from the example above or your own generator).

After updating the environment variables in your Docker Compose or Portainer configuration, restart Linkwarden to apply the changes:

docker-compose up -d

Or the equivalent command depending on your environment. Once Linkwarden is back online, you can head to its login page and try logging in with Authelia.

Step 5: Troubleshooting

If something goes wrong:

  • Check your Authelia logs to ensure the client is configured correctly.
  • Verify your redirect URI in both Authelia’s redirect_uris and Linkwarden’s OIDC settings.
  • Make sure your authorization_policy is not blocking you (e.g., requiring two-factor when you haven’t set it up).
  • Confirm DISABLE_NEW_SSO_USERS=false if you want new accounts to be created in Linkwarden via SSO.


By adding Linkwarden as an OIDC client in Authelia and configuring the environment variables in Linkwarden, you can centralize authentication and enable secure, convenient login. Be sure to use secure secrets, update your access control lists carefully, and confirm everything is functioning by testing the login flow. Once everything is tested and stable, you’re ready to enjoy single sign-on with Authelia for Linkwarden.